Leonid Zeiger. Jerusalem Syndrome

2, March 2014 · Projects

The one-painting exhibition “Jerusalem Syndrome” took place on March 1st in the Old City. This was the second in series of art actions, that I am planning to carry out on the streets of Jerusalem.

The cultural tradition of art performances on Jerusalem streets goes back to the 70-s. My actions, however, are not a political or social statement in any way; the city is jam-packed with such connotations…

As opposed to graffiti, often amounting to mere vandalism, my action exists in a limited time frame. What would be the interaction between a canvas and a highly active, dynamic environment, immensely different from the sterile “white cube” of the gallery? The visual dialogue between an object of art, “touring” through the streets of the city, and its surroundings, is being generated and dissolved, without leaving traces.

Leonid Zeiger
March 2014, Jerusalem

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