Tanya Kornfeld


Born: Moscow, USSR, 1950
Medium: Oils, Watercolors and graphics
Education: Masters degree from the State Academy of Art, Leningrad, USSR
Professional Organizations: Artists Equity (U.S.A.), Israel Artists Association

From 1974 to 1976, Tania participated in several nonconformist art shows in Moscow and in Leningrad, inter alia as member of the underground group of Jewish artists “ALEPH”. In 1976, she was permitted to emigrate to Israel. The same year her works became part of a traveling exhibition “Twelve from the Soviet Underground”. Meanwhile, she has explored different aspects of an artistic expression, working as a stage and costume designer for the Jerusalem University Student Theatre and showing her works in Israeli galleries. From 1978 till 1984 she lived in the USA (starting from 1980 in Los Angeles) and was actively pursuing her artistic career. Since 1984, she has been living and working in Jerusalem.

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